
Happy belated fourth of July! I don’t know about you, but I have struggled to find easy to make, healthy appetizers to bring with me when I’m invited to a bbq or a gathering at someone’s home. So, I asked my friends on the Weight Loss DIVA Facebook page for ideas. And boy did they have some great ones (I’ve already tried two)! Below are 10 of the ideas they shared, check out the Facebook page for the rest. Feel free to try one or two that you like. And, share an idea of your own within the comments section of this post. I can’t wait to try out your suggestion!

1) Make a simple bruschetta. Take a thin crisp baguette slice, topped with tomato, basil, garlic, and vinegar. Keep the tomato mix in fridge until ready to serve.
2) Plain popcorn with cinnamon, agave nectar or olive oil and salt
3) Tofu and cooked veggies
4) Grilled chicken skewers- chicken breast tenderized and marinated
5) Roasted chickpeas (they get crispy and u can flavor w/ whatever spices you like and super easy to make)
6) Stir fry chopped chicken and veggies with large pieces of lettuce to make lettuce wraps
7) Cucumber and Yogurt Dip served with warmed pita bread or eggplant chips (the full recipe is on Weight Loss DIVA Facebook page).
8) Sauté some vegetables and sere it over brown rice and quinoa
9) Steam and/or simmer frozen broccoli and cauliflower; top with a little feta cheese; use curry cumin cinnamon to taste
10) Barley, cooked in coconut oil, then sauté in parsley, & garlic. Add mixed veggies if you like.

Thanks, everyone!