
I had one of those weeks where I wanted to eat EVERYTHING in site! I especially wanted to eat the dieter’s worst enemy . . . carbs! Fast food chains were my bff this week. Have you ever felt like this? Maybe it was the busyness of work or trying to organize the rest of my life outside of work. But by the end of the week I realized that this was getting out of control. And to top it off my exercise routine fell all the way off track. Poor eating + no exercise = a disaster for my waistline! So what’s a girl to do?

Well, my first step: I confessed! After I came to my senses, I sent a text to a couple of my healthy accountability partners to spill the beans. “Ladies, I had a TERRIBLE week! I wanted to eat everything! I need to get back on track.” I have a tendency to hide out when I fall of the healthy eating wagon. I’ve learned that this is the WORST thing I could do. The longer I stay by myself, the easier it is to continue to slip down that unhealthy road.

Secondly: I got moving again. When I workout I feel great. When I feel great, I want to eat well. I signed up for a fun exercise class that would get me motivated. I even did the Color Run in Philly with a friend of mine!
LeeAnn_color run 2013

Lastly: I ate like a snob. For a few days I cooked my own food, went to nice restaurants instead of cheap food spots, and actually sat down at a table to eat (like civilized people).

I’m still working on getting it right. The holiday eating last week presented a few challenges, but I exercised a little most days to balance out the bbq. This week I plan to focus on smaller portions, getting in my fruit and veggies, and drinking lots of water as well as exercise. If you’ve found yourself in a slump too, I hope these tips will work for you as they did for me. Until next time!