A few months ago I participated in a webinar with a top plus-size fashion and fitness blogger CeCe Olisa. She shared a lot of great information on how to keep your curves healthy, but one tip stuck with me: You need to know your BIG WHY. Meaning, why do you even want to lose weight, get fit, or adopt healthier habits?

I address this in my book The Weight Loss DIVA as well. In my chapter on Inspiration I write, “Inspiration is anything outside of yourself that reminds you of the bigger picture and sparks motivation to pursue your goals.” The BIG WHY (or inspiration as I like to call it) does have the power to drive out fear and it WILL motivate you to keep going no matter what. You can do it. And you will. I will. I have to.

I’ve been reflecting on my BIG WHY’s. Here are some that I have on my list in no specific order. Feel free to steal them if you need a jump start. I hope they motivate you too.

  1. Because I hate wearing hosiery that is too tight–the grocery stores, drug stores, and Target rarely carry my size. (Thank you Catherine’s!)
  2. Because I want to enjoy going to the spa w/o clenching together the small robes they give me.
  3. Because I hate sweating for no reason at all.
  4. Because I really want to run again w/ less pressure on my feet.
  5. Because I LOVE shoes, but it is getting really difficult to rock my stilettos.
  6. Because I was utterly embarrassed by the sound of my stomach flapping when doing jumping jacks at the gym a couple weeks ago.
  7. Because I want to preserve my sexy.
  8. Because I LOVE to travel and it is so uncomfortable to fly at this size.
  9. Because I should not have to research which Disney rides allow enough room for my waist before I visit the parks.
  10. Because I want to have a healthy, stress free pregnancy and delivery one day.

I could go on and on, but I won’t. These keep me going. When my day does not fit the perfect model of someone looking to release extra pounds, I refer back to my BIG WHY’s to keep me going. What are yours?

Here’s to a phenomenal New Year of chasing your dreams and actually letting them overtake you this time!

LeAnn Sims

Photography by Rashad Pleasant | www.rashadpleasant.com