shamika3My #WCW (Weight Confident Woman) this week is Mrs. Shamika Shaw! Have you ever met someone and instantly clicked with them on so many levels? Well, that totally happened when I met Shamika. It’s official, she’s now stuck with me:-) Check out my interview w/her. Be sure to follow her story on IG @shammroxx for a daily dose of inspo and tips to be and stay healthy!

Where are you from? Detroit, Michigan.

What’s one fun fact about you? I’m obsessed with reality tv. It’s my guilty pleasure!

What does a typical day for you look like?  I usually wake up around 7:30am, work from 9am – 5pm, either do homework (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) or go to Bible study (Wednesday and Friday) after work, make dinner for my husband while tidying up my home (major cleaning day is every Thursday), and I try to fit in some sort of physical activity at least 3 – 4 times a week. I will either go to the gym, walk my dog if the weather permits, or walk my treadmill at home.

How did your journey to a healthier you begin? Where are you currently on that jourshamika2ney? My weight loss journey began after looking at my wedding pictures by myself.

When my husband and I first got our pictures we looked at them together and it was so much fun reminiscing on our big day that I hardly noticed myself in the pictures. One day when I was home alone, I looked at all of the pictures again, and it hit me like a ton of bricks! All of a sudden I remembered how miserable I was that day. I wanted our reception to end so badly so people would stop looking at me and taking pictures of me.

Looking at the photos this time around, I hardly recognized myself. I had no idea how large I had gotten. It was a very sad day for me but also a happy day, because it was then that I decided that something must be done. I immediately changed my eating habits and began light exercise, lost 35 pounds, had weight loss surgery, and am now a total of 97 pounds down. I couldn’t be happier! Oh and I’ll be redoing my wedding pictures soon! 🙂

What is one healthy goal you have for 2016? I want to be able to actually run (something I haven’t done since I was a small child) and also make it to the top of Runyon Canyon in Los Angeles, California.

What tips can you share with others looking to get healthier?

1. CARBS ARE THE DEVIL! Haha! Seriously though – many don’t realize how many hidden carbs are in the foods that we eat. Carbs convert to sugar which causes not only weight gain and water retention, but also several sicknesses and diseases. Educate yourself on carbohydrates and try to limit them in your daily diet as much as possible. I strive to keep my carb intake between 40 and 50 grams a day. Try to speak with a doctor or nutritionist about how many carbs you should intake a day. It’s not easy, but limiting carb intake can be a saving grace – especially for those of us that are incredibly carb sensitive making us more prone than others to get diabetes.

2. Just get started! Start by making small changes to your diet, increase your water intake, and incorporate some form of exercise – even if it’s a ten minute walk every other day. You’d be surprised at how significant the slightest change can greatly impact your weight loss.

3. Lastly, always love and be patient with your body. It won’t happen overnight. Love your body at every stage and phase!

What tools or resources can you refer others to who are looking to get healthier? If you shamika 1are not already, get on social media. There are several virtual support groups out there that can help you stay accountable. I’m apart of about 4 or 5 Facebook support groups. We post tips, tricks, inspiration, recipes, and even pictures to share our journey and help each other stay the course. Social media can be a strong support system. Take advantage of it! Also, if you’ve tried over and over and feel like you can’t lose the weight or you really need some help – talk to your doctor or a healthcare professional about weight loss surgery. There are several options available to those of us who need an extra tool to get us started. Having weight loss surgery was the best decision (besides giving my life to Jesus Christ and marrying my incredible husband) that I’ve ever made. It launched my weight loss journey in a great way giving me the jump start that I needed and ultimately setting me up for long-term success!